new lecture notes

This commit is contained in:
othocaes 2016-04-05 21:49:10 -04:00
parent ccbccc5262
commit 5b1c310d90
2 changed files with 71 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Review of Braket notation
Moving toward the interaction of two spins
(pic) Set up one spin Braket notation
(pic) some spin geometry, showing how certain currents attract eachother
Two Spins
Chapter 5 - Two Spins
(pic) 𝐒₁⋅𝐒₂ OR 2A/ħ²𝐒₁⋅𝐒₂ in book
hydrogen spin-orbit hamiltonian Ĥ = -γ 𝐒⋅𝐋
4 possible states
❙S₁𝓏=+½ S₂𝓏=+½❭ = ❙½❭⨂❙½❭
❙S₁𝓏=+½ S₂𝓏=-½❭
❙S₁𝓏=-½ S₂𝓏=+½❭
❙S₁𝓏=-½ S₂𝓏=-½❭
(pic) expanded ❙½❭⨂❙½❭
(pic x2) finding representations for all of the operators in the two-spin system
(pic) Worked out some operations on various possible states, using direct product spaces
(pic x2) Diagonalized 𝐒₁⋅𝐒₂
!!! missing a factor of 2 somewhere in these pictures

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Started with vector potential
(pic) Demonstrated why 𝐉ᵦ = ∇×𝐌
(pic) Find magnetic field of a uniformly magnetized sphere
this development ended up converging with the sphere of constant surface charge
(pic) Started with a reminder of displacement definition and origin.
(pic) This leads to an analogy with 𝐉ₜₒₜ = 𝐉𝒻 + 𝐉ᵦ
leads to very useful ∮𝐇⋅d𝐥 = 𝐈𝒻(s)
Bit of an aside about how 𝐇 is easier to measure/control compared to 𝐁.
(pic) An example of finding 𝐁 outside a thick rod.
actually didn't develop this, but just warned about that M has a
divergence at the edges, so 𝐇 is not so easy to find.
Introduced linear materials
𝐌 = χₘ 𝐇
χₘ > 0 (paramagnetic)
χₘ < 0 (diamagnetic)
Example: an infinite solenoid carrying a surface current 𝐊 = K ϕ̂ filled
with material of susceptibility χₘ. Find 𝐁.
(pic) found 𝐇, then 𝐁, then bound and free 𝐊