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synced 2024-11-22 14:25:06 +00:00
89 lines
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Executable File
89 lines
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Executable File
# This program will create graphene bicrystal unit cells that can constitute
# an infinite lattice when periodic boundary conditions are applied (in 2d).
# Usage: ./populate_bicrystals.sh <root dir> [source dir]
# The program will create a unit cell from any POSCAR files found under
# [source dir] (or pwd if [source dir] is not specified]. It will create a
# new directory structure under <root dir>, maintaining naming and directory
# conventions. The program uses LAMMPS sample minimization and simulation box
# relaxation to create the lowest possible energy state from the given lattice.
# The program is meant to be used to minimize samples created by Kien in the MSL. The program should minimize all samples and output
# unit cells that can then be used in future LAMMPS PBC simulations.
# The program is organized into three stages: preparation, minimization, and
# analysis
# In stage 1, the program will find all files ending in .POSCAR in any
# subdirectories of user's current pwd, convert them to jmol cartesian
# snapshots, then populate a new directory tree under <root dir> with
# these snapshots. The program will then convert each jmol snapshot to a
# LAMMPS input file and shrink the initial box around the sample. The
# program will also populate an info file for each sample, and store at
# this time the grain boundary mismatch angle in that file. The current info
# file format as of 2014 July 19 is:
# All angles in degrees
# All energies in eV (presuming metal units in LAMMPS)
# <sample dir>/<sample name>
# ==============
# <misorientation angle>
# <num atoms> atoms
# <formation energy> - <formation energy of pristine graphene>
# <initial box dimensions>
# <final box dimensions>
# Coordinations
# -------------
# 4: # atoms
# 3: # atoms
# 2: # atoms
# 1: # atoms
# In stage 2, the program will run relax_sample_and_box.sh on each sample
# from stage 1, thus creating a unit cell for PBC from each sample.
# In stage 3, the program will then check bond lengths for each sample and
# report any outliers in that sample's info file. Next, a JMOL snapshot will
# be generated. Finally, the system's change in energy over the minimzation
# will be calculated and stored in the info file. A report is then produced
# in <root dir> containing a print of all info files.
script_dir=$( cd $(dirname $0) ; pwd -P |sed 's@^\(.*\)/scripts.*@\1/scripts@')
if [[ -z $2 ]]; then source_dir=$(pwd); else source_dir=$2; fi
source $script_dir/func/utility.src
# (Stage 1) -- Preparation
$script_dir/bicrystal/stage1.sh $root_dir $source_dir
echo -e "\nStage 1 complete. \n"
# (Stage 2) -- Minimization
$script_dir/bicrystal/stage2.sh $root_dir
echo -e "Stage 2 complete.\n"
# (Stage 3) -- Analysis
echo "Please run stage 3 manually: scripts/bicrystal/stage3.sh $root_dir"
# $script_dir/bicrystal/stage3.sh $root_dir
# echo -e "Stage 3 complete.\n"
echo Program complete.