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synced 2024-12-18 05:35:04 +00:00
89 lines
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Executable File
89 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use feature say;
use utf8;
# reads (stdin) a heasoft data set (single filter) as compiled circa 2016 by Cackett @ WSU
# outputs (stdout) a lightcurve in psdlag circa 2016 by Zoghbi @ U of M input format
# smallest time interval.
my $Δt = 0.1;
# normalization factor based on inspection of data
my $flux_norm = 1e14;
# This sets up the capture widths for rounding
# Add two because need to read more digits for rounding
$keep_digits = -1 * log10($Δt) + 2;
$throw_digits = 5 - $keep_digits;
# Skip first line -- shouldn't need this for a single filter
#Start file Δt and with number of light curves (1)
my $linetoprint="# $Δt 1";
my $num_avg = 0;
while (<>) {
$_ =~ /^.{8}\s+([0-9]{4})\s+([0-9]{5})\.([0-9]{$keep_digits})[0-9]{$throw_digits}(.*)/;
# wavelength/label, characteristic, mantissa, everything else
($λ, $t𝓃, $t𝜀, $vals) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
# Round t according to Δt
if (!(chop($t𝜀) == 0) + chop($t𝜀) > 5) {$t𝜀++;}
if ($t𝜀 >= (1/$Δt)) {
$t𝓃 += 1;
$t𝜀 = 0;
if ($Δt >= 1) { $t𝜀 = 0; }
# Print all values for this line
# say "$λ\t$t𝓃.$t𝜀$vals";
# Compile variables for this line
($flux_μ,$flux_σ,$mag_μ,$mag_σ,$telescope_id) = split ' ',$vals;
$flux_μ *= $flux_norm;
$flux_σ *= $flux_norm;
# Print light curve for psdlag
# This mess to average measurements occuring at the same time coordinate
$this_t = "$t𝓃.$t𝜀";
if ($this_t == $last_t) {
if ($heap_count == 1) {
if ( $linetoprint =~ /([0-9\.]+)\s+([0-9e\-\.]+)\s+([0-9e\-\.]+)/ ) {
our $new_flux_μ = $flux_μ + $2;
# Could just take the max error
# $new_flux_σ = max($flux_σ,$3);
# Average error seems fair
our $new_flux_σ = $flux_σ + $3;
else { die "Malformed data"; }
else {
$new_flux_μ += $flux_μ;
$new_flux_σ += $flux_σ;
else {
if ($heap_count > 1) {
$new_flux_μ /= $heap_count;
$new_flux_σ /= $heap_count;
$linetoprint="$last_t $new_flux_μ $new_flux_σ";
our $heap_count = 1;
say $linetoprint;
$linetoprint = "$this_t $flux_μ $flux_σ";
$last_t = $this_t;
say $linetoprint;
sub max ($$) { $_[$_[0] < $_[1]] }
sub min ($$) { $_[$_[0] > $_[1]] }
sub log10 {
my $n = shift;
return log($n)/log(10);