#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use Encode qw(encode decode); use feature 'say'; use locale; use Switch; # This needs to be rewritten to plot the lightcurves instead # of the PSD and timelags. # Enables debug output. our $debug=0; our #verbose=0; # This section locate the output data of interest in a # psdlab output file. if (!${^UTF8LOCALE}) { say encode($charset,"You are not using UTF-8 encoding. :("); } my $charset=$ENV{LANG}; our $outputfilename=decode($charset,$ARGV[0]); open $outputfile,'<',$outputfilename or die $!; my $star_linenum_1=0; my $star_linenum_2=0; my $star_bytenum_1=0; my $star_bytenum_2=0; my $linenum=0; while(<$outputfile>) { $linenum++; if ($_ =~ /^\*+$/) { $star_linenum_1=$star_linenum_2; $star_linenum_2 = $linenum; $star_bytenum_1=$star_bytenum_2; #$star_bytenum_2 = $outputfile.tell(); $star_bytenum_2 = tell($outputfile); } } if ($debug) { say encode($charset,"Final set found between lines "), $star_linenum_1, " and ", $star_linenum_2; say encode($charset,"Final set found between bytes "), $star_bytenum_1, " and ", $star_bytenum_2; } seek($outputfile,$star_bytenum_1,0); <$outputfile>; $bin_bounds_line = <$outputfile>; #say $bin_bounds_line; $bin_bounds_line =~ s/^#\s*(.*)$/$1/; #$line =~ / @bin_bounds = split /\s/,$bin_bounds_line; if ($debug) { print encode($charset,"Found bin boundaries: "); foreach (@bin_bounds) {print encode($charset,"$_ ");} say encode($charset," "); } # These arrays store the various quantities of interest. @freq_coords_avg = []; @freq_coords_err = []; @power_curve_source_avg = []; @power_curve_source_err = []; @power_curve_reprocessed_avg = []; @power_curve_reprocessed_err = []; @cross_correlation_power_curve_avg = []; @cross_correlation_power_curve_err = []; @phase_difference_avg = []; @phase_difference_err = []; @time_lag_avg = []; @time_lag_err = []; # This captures the frequency bins. my $upper_bound = 0; my $lower_bound = 0; foreach (@bin_bounds) { $lower_bound = $upper_bound; $upper_bound = $_; if ($lower_bound == 0) {next} my $avg = ($upper_bound + $lower_bound)/2; my $err = ($upper_bound - $lower_bound)/2; #say ($avg,":",$err); push(@freq_coords_avg,$avg); push(@freq_coords_err,$err); } $numbins = scalar @freq_coords_avg; say encode($charset,"$numbins frequency boundaries captured."); # This section collects the various quantities. The mode counter # increments to designate the data being captured. my $mode=0; while (<$outputfile>) { next if $_ =~ /\*+/; switch ($mode) { case 0 { my $avg = my $err = $_; $avg =~ s/^([\-\+e0-9\.]+)+\s+[\-\+e0-9\.]+\s*$/$1/; $err =~ s/^[\-\+e0-9\.]+\s+([\-\+e0-9\.]+)\s*$/$1/; if ($debug) { say encode($charset,""); say encode($charset," New Bin"); say encode($charset,"─────────────────────────────────────────────────"); print encode($charset,"Driving light curve power from $_"); say encode($charset,"Average: $avg, Err: $err"); } push(@power_curve_source_avg,$avg); push(@power_curve_source_err,$err); $mode++; } case 1 { my $avg = my $err = $_; $avg =~ s/^([\-\+e0-9\.]+)+\s+[\-\+e0-9\.]+\s*$/$1/; $err =~ s/^[\-\+e0-9\.]+\s+([\-\+e0-9\.]+)\s*$/$1/; if ($debug) { print encode($charset,"Reprocessed light curve power from $_"); say encode($charset,"Average: $avg, Err: $err"); } push(@power_curve_reprocessed_avg,$avg); push(@power_curve_reprocessed_err,$err); $mode++; } case 2 { my $avg = my $err = $_; $avg =~ s/^([\-\+e0-9\.]+)+\s+[\-\+e0-9\.]+\s*$/$1/; $err =~ s/^[\-\+e0-9\.]+\s+([\-\+e0-9\.]+)\s*$/$1/; if ($debug) { print encode($charset,"Cross-Correlation from $_"); say encode($charset,"Average: $avg, Err: $err"); } push(@cross_correlation_power_curve_avg,$avg); push(@cross_correlation_power_curve_err,$err); $mode++; } case 3 { my $avg = my $err = $_; $avg =~ s/^([\-\+e0-9\.]+)\s+[\-\+e0-9\.]+\s*$/$1/; $err =~ s/^[\-\+e0-9\.]+\s+([\-\+e0-9\.]+)\s*$/$1/; if ($debug) { print encode($charset,"Phase different from $_"); say encode($charset,"Average: $avg, Err: $err"); } push(@phase_difference_avg,$avg); push(@phase_difference_err,$err); $mode = 0; } } # End switch } $numvals = scalar @power_curve_source_avg; say encode($charset,"Saved $numvals sets of quantities."); =pod Tried to set up the program to find the boundaries on its own. Should return to complete the program this way; just a syntax problem. #while (<$outputfile>) {say $_;} #while (<$outputfile> =~ /^[^#]+(.*)$/) {} #if (eof($outputfile)) { # say encode($charset,"Could not scrape values of energy bin boundaries."); # exit 9; #} =cut #$thing = <$outputfile>; #say encode($charset,"$thing"); # switch ($val) { # case 1 { print encode($charset,"number 1" )} # case "a" { print encode($charset,"string a" )} # case [1..10,42] { print encode($charset,"number in list" )} # case (@array) { print encode($charset,"number in list" )} # case /\w+/ { print encode($charset,"pattern" )} # case qr/\w+/ { print encode($charset,"pattern" )} # case (%hash) { print encode($charset,"entry in hash" )} # case (\%hash) { print encode($charset,"entry in hash" )} # case (\&sub) { print encode($charset,"arg to subroutine" )} # else { print encode($charset,"previous case not true" )} # }