mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 08:15:07 +00:00
renamed script
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ do
sed 's|=|=|g'|
sed 's|Å|A|g')
cat scripts/templates/psd_freq.gp|
cat scripts/templates/psd.gp|
sed "s|%TITLE|Error Fit Comparison for PSD of $echo_band|"|
sed "s|%SUBTITLE|as reported by Fausnaugh et. al, STORM III, 2016|"|
sed "s|%FILE1|$table|"|
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ do
# Grab and determine labels of analyses, skip if over the same band.
ref_band=$(basename $analysis|sed 's|\([^≺]*\)[_ ]≺[_ ][^≺_ ]*[_ ]{[^_ ]*}|\1|')
echo_band=$(basename $analysis|sed 's|[^≺]*[_ ]≺[_ ]\([^≺_ ]*\)[_ ]{[^_ ]*}|\1|')
if [[ $ref_band == $echo_band ]]; then continue; fi
err_str=$(basename $analysis|sed 's|[^≺]*[_ ]≺[_ ][^≺_ ]*[_ ]{[^_ ]*;\(σ∊[CLM][MFC]\)}|\1|')
# Prepare files
@ -37,8 +36,8 @@ do
# Output curves to temporary files using perl script, move tables to
# permanent location. This just assumes there are no conflicts.
@ -51,26 +50,26 @@ do
# Plot PSD and save using gnuplot
# read ymin ymax <<< $(ywindow_of $timelag_tabfile)
# echo $ymin $ymax
cat scripts/templates/psd_freq.gp|
sed "s|%TITLE|Power Spectrum for Lightcurves $echo_band and $ref_band|"|
sed "s|%SUBTITLE|as reported by Fausnaugh et. al, STORM III, 2016|"|
sed "s|%FILE1|$refPSD_tabfile|"|
sed "s|%LABEL1|${ref_band} PSD|"|
sed "s|%FILE2|$echoPSD_tabfile|"|
sed "s|%LABEL2|${echo_band} PSD|"|
sed "s|%YMIN|$ymin|"|sed "s|%YMAX|$ymax|"|
sed "s|%OUTPUTFILE|$PSD_plotfile|" > tmp.gp
cat scripts/templates/psd.gp|
sed "s|%TITLE%|Power Spectrum for Lightcurves $echo_band and $ref_band|"|
sed "s|%SUBTITLE%|as reported by Fausnaugh et. al, STORM III, 2016|"|
sed "s|%FILE1%|$echoPSD_tabfile|"|
sed "s|%LABEL1%|${echo_band} PSD|"|
#sed "s|%FILE2%|$refPSD_tabfile|"|
#sed "s|%LABEL2%|${ref_band} PSD|"|
sed "s|%YMIN%|$ymin|"|sed "s|%YMAX|$ymax|"|
sed "s|%OUTPUTFILE%|$PSD_plotfile|" > tmp.gp
gnuplot tmp.gp
# Plot time lags and save using gnuplot
# read ymin ymax <<< $(ywindow_of $timelag_tabfile)
cat scripts/templates/timelag_freq.gp|
sed "s|%TITLE|Time Lag for Lightcurve $echo_band relative to $ref_band|"|
sed "s|%SUBTITLE|as reported by Fausnaugh et. al, STORM III, 2016|"|
sed "s|%FILE1|$timelag_tabfile|"|
sed "s|%LABEL1|${echo_band} Lag|"|
sed "s|%YMIN|$ymin|"|sed "s|%YMAX|$ymax|"|
sed "s|%OUTPUTFILE|$timelag_plotfile|" > tmp.gp
sed "s|%TITLE%|Time Lag for Lightcurve $echo_band relative to $ref_band|"|
sed "s|%SUBTITLE%|as reported by Fausnaugh et. al, STORM III, 2016|"|
sed "s|%FILE1%|$timelag_tabfile|"|
sed "s|%LABEL1%|${echo_band} Lag|"|
sed "s|%YMIN%|$ymin|"|sed "s|%YMAX|$ymax|"|
sed "s|%OUTPUTFILE%|$timelag_plotfile|" > tmp.gp
gnuplot tmp.gp
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# This method assumes y values are in logarithm units already.
set terminal pdf
set output "%OUTPUTFILE%"
set termopt enhanced
set macros
# Placement of the a,b,c,d labels in the graphs
POS = "at graph 0.7,0.92 font 'Times,24'"
XLABEL = "set xlabel 'Temporal Frequency [days^{-1}]' font 'Times' off 0,1;\
set format x '10^{%+3T}'"
YLABEL = "set ylabel 'log_{10} PSD' font 'Times' offset 1,2.5;\
set format y '%.0t'"
unset title
unset key
set xlabel "Temporal Frequency [days^{-1}]" font "Times,24"
set xrange [0.005:0.620]
set xtics auto font 'Times,16'
set logscale x
set ylabel "log_{10} PSD" font "Times,24"
set yrange [-5.5:0.5]
set ytics auto font 'Times,16'
set ytics add ('' -0.5 1,'' -1.5 1,'' -2.5 1,'' -3.5 1,'' -4.5 1)
set yzeroaxis
set label 1 '%LABEL1%' @POS
plot '%FILE1%' using 1:2:($2-$4):($2+$4) with yerrorbars pt 7 ps .5 lt rgb "black", \
'%FILE2%' using 1:2:($2-$4):($2+$4) with yerrorbars pt 7 ps .5 lt rgb "red"
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# This method assumes y values are in logarithm units already.
set terminal pdf
set output "%OUTPUTFILE"
# set termoption dash
set termopt enhanced
set title "%TITLE\n{/*0.7 %SUBTITLE}" font "Times"
set xlabel "Temporal Frequency [days^{-1}]" font "Times"
set xrange [0.005:0.620]
set xtics font "Times"
set ytics font "Times"
# Use this if you want to show PSD directly on a log axis
# set logscale xy
# set ylabel "PSD" font "Times"
# set yrange [%YMIN:%YMAX]
# plot '%FILE1' using 1:(10**($2+2)):3:4 with xyerrorbars title "%LABEL1", \
# '%FILE2' using 1:(10**($2+2)):3:4 with xyerrorbars title "%LABEL2"
# Use this if you want to show the log value of the PSD
set logscale x
set ylabel "log_{10} PSD" font "Times"
#set yrange [%YMIN:%YMAX]
#set yrange [-5.5:0.5]
set key outside
set key center bottom
set key font "Times"
set yzeroaxis
plot '%FILE1' using 1:2:3:4 with xyerrorbars title "%LABEL1" pt 0 ps 1 lt rgb "green", \
'%FILE2' using 1:2:3:4 with xyerrorbars title "%LABEL2" pt 0 ps 1 lt rgb "red"
Reference in New Issue
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