#!/bin/bash # This script will run a single instance of lammps using the supplied # arguments on circe's Grid Engine cluster. It is intended to be used # in scripts that generate multiple LAMMPS runs. # Currently only supports 2 processors. # Usage: ./lammps_exec.sh script_dir=$( cd $(dirname $0) ; pwd -P |sed 's@^\(.*\)/scripts.*@\1/scripts@') bin_dir=$script_dir/../bin lammps_exec=$bin_dir/lmp_circe-mkl module purge modules="compilers/intel/2013_cluster_xe" for module in $modules; do module load $module done sub_name="BICRYSTAL_UNITS_RELAX" sub_shell="/bin/bash" lnch_res="h_rt=23:55:00,cpu_model=E5-2670,pcpus=2" merge_stderrout="y" output_file="lammps_sub.\$JOB_ID" sub_mail_opts="abe" sub_email="othoulrich@gmail.com" qsub -b y -m $sub_mail_opts -M $sub_email -o $output_file -cwd -j $merge_stderrout -N $sub_name -l $lnch_res -S $sub_shell $lammps_exec < $1 > $2