# version of 2003 oct 27, cleaned up some lines whose wl had changed
# for information on the format of this file, see readme_LineList_dat.txt
# this is the standard list list, appropriate for dense gas like the BLR,
# which will use used if no name appears
# Begin CLOUDY grid output line list...
# 2 X-ray lines:
FeKa     2       Iron K-alpha line (near 6.4 keV)
o  8    18.97       O VIII 19A H-like Lya
# UV lines: lambda > 600 Angstroms
mg10   609.8A     total Mg X 610
#inwd  609.8A     inward flux of Mg X 610
mg10   624.9A     total Mg X 625
#inwd  624.9A     inward flux of Mg X 625
totl   615     total of sum of both Mg X components
o  5   629.7A     total O V 630
s  4   655.1A     total S IV 655; level 2 line
n  3   678.2A     total N III 679; level 2 line
o  3   698.2     total O III 703; level 2 line
s  4   737.3     total S IV 737; level 2 line
n  3   752.1     total N III 764; level 2 line
n  4   765.1     total N IV 765
ne 8   770.4     total Ne VIII 770
ne 8   780.3     total Ne VIII 780
totl   774     total of sum of both Ne VIII component
#inwd   774     inward flux of sum of both Ne VIII components
s  5   786.5     total S V 786
o  4   789.4     total O IV 789
#inwd   789.4     inward flux of O IV 789
s  4   798.8     total S IV 799
O  2   833.8     total O II 834A
o  3   834.5     total O III 834
totl   895     total Ne VII] 895
s  6   933.4     total S VI 933
s  6   944.5     total S VI 944
totl   933     total of sum of both S VI components
p  4   950.7     total P IV 951; level 2 line
h  1   972.5     total Lyman-gamma 973
#inwd   972.5     inward flux of Lyman-gamma 973
c  3   977     total C III 977
#inwd   977     inward flux of C III 977
n  3   991     total N III 990
#inwd   991     inward flux of N III 990
h  1  1026     total Lyman-beta 1025
#inwd  1025     inward flux of Lyman-beta 1025
o  6  1032     total O VI 1032
o  6  1038     total O VI 1037
totl  1035     total of sum of both O VI components
#inwd  1035     inward flux of sum of both O VI components
he 2  1085     total He II Balmer-gamma 1085
n  2  1085     total N II 1085
s  4  1086     total S IV 1086; level 2 line
p  5  1121     total P V 1121; level 2 line
fe 3  1126     total Fe III 1122
ne 5  1141     total Ne V 1141
c  3  1176     total C III* 1176 (excited state)
#inwd  1176     inward flux of C III* 1176
s  3  1198     total S III 1198
totl  1198     total S V 1198
si 3  1207     total Si III 1207
inci  1215     incident continuum at 1215 Angstroms in units of nuF(nu)
totl  1216     total Hydrogen Lyman-alpha 1215.67 
inwd  1216     inward flux of Lyman-alpha
he 2  1215     total He II Balmer-beta 1216
#inwd  1215     inward flux of He II Balmer-beta 1216
totl  1218     total of sum of O V] 1218 + [O V] 1218
#inwd  1218     inward flux of O V]
n  5  1239     total N V 1238.82
n  5  1243     total N V 1242.80
totl  1240     total of sum of both N V components
#inwd  1240     inward flux of sum of both N V components
s  2  1256     total S II 1256
si 2  1263     total Si II 1260 + 1263
6lev  1304     total O I 1302 + 1305  
si 2  1308     total Si II 1308
c  2  1335     total C II 1335 + 1336
si 4  1394     total Si IV 1394
si 4  1403     total Si IV 1403
totl  1397     total of sum of both Si IV components
#inwd  1397     inward flux of sum of both Si IV components
totl  1402     total O IV] 1402; 5 components to line: 
# 1397.2, 1399.77, 1401.16, 1404.81, 1407.39 --- not computed individually
#inwd  1402    inward flux of O IV]
totl  1406     total S IV 1406
totl  1486     total of sum of N IV] 1486 + [N IV]
N  4  1485     most forbidden of the pair
#N  4 1486      stonger of the pair, at high density this will be the same as total	
#inwd  1488     inward flux of N IV]
si 2  1531     total Si II 1527 + 1533
c  4  1548     total C IV 1548.19
c  4  1551     total C IV 1550.77
totl  1549     total of sum of both C IV components
inwd  1549     inward flux of sum of both C IV components
he 2  1640     total He II Balmer-alpha 1640
inwd  1640     inward flux of He II Balmer-alpha 1640
o  3  1661     total O III] 1661
#inwd  1661     inward flux of O III] 1661
o  3  1666     total O III] 1666
#inwd  1666     inward flux of O III] 1666
totl  1665     total of sum of both O III] components
al 2  1671     total Al II 1670.8; level 2 line
s  3  1720     total S III 1720
totl  1750     total N III] 1750 (all components; not computed seperately)
#inwd  1750     inward flux of N III]
fe 2  1786     total Fe II 1787 (probably selectively excited)
si 2  1814     total Si II 1814 (1808.0 + 1816.9 + 1817.5)
al 3  1855     total Al III 1855
al 3  1863     total Al III 1863
totl  1860     total sum of both Al III components
#inwd  1860     inward flux of sum of both Al III components
totl  1888     total of sum of Si III] 1892 + [Si III]
Si 3  1883     the most forbidden of the doublet
#inwd  1892     inward flux of Si III] 1892
totl  1909     total of sum of C III] 1908.73 + [C III]
#inwd  1910     inward flux of C III] 1908.73
n  2  2141     total sum of N II] 2139.01, 2142.77
o  3  2321     single line from 5-level atom
totl  2326     total C II] 2324.69 + 2328.12
totl  2335     total Si II] 2335
totl  2665     total of sum of Al II] 2669 + [Al II] 2660
al 2  2660     emission from most forbidden line of multiplet
mg 2  2796     total Mg II 2796 of the doublet
mg 2  2803     total Mg II 2803 of the doublet
totl  2798     total of sum of both Mg II components
inwd  2798     inward flux of sum of both Mg II components
# optical emission lines and continua
he 2  3203     total He II Paschen-beta line
BA C     0     total of integrated H balmer continuum
BaC   3646     total nuFnu of Balmer jump at 3646 (the head)
#h  1  3835     total H-7 (H-Balmer)
He 1  3889     total H-6 (H-Balmer)
ca2k  3934     total Ca II 3934 emission
ca2h  3969     total Ca II 3969 emission
#h  1  3970     total H-epsilon
h  1  4102     total H-delta
#inwd  4102     inward flux of H-delta
h  1  4340     total H-gamma
#inwd  4340     inward flux of H-gamma
ca b  4471     total He I 4471, case B approximation
he 2  4686     total He II 4686 (Paschen-alpha)
inwd  4686     inward flux of He II 4686
totl  4861     total H-beta 4861
inwd  4861     inward flux of H-beta 4861
He 1  5876     total He I 5876
#inwd  5876     inward flux of He I 5876
na 1  5892     total Na ID 5892
h  1  6563     total H-alpha 6563
#inwd  6563     inward flux of H-alpha 6563
# near IR emission lines and continua
k  1  7676     total K I 7745
6lev  8446     total O I 8446
ca2x  8498     total Ca II 8498
ca2y  8542     total Ca II 8542
ca2z  8662     total Ca II 8662
PA C     0     total of integrated H Paschen continuum
totl 10830     total He I 10,830A, all three lines within multiplet
h  1   1.875m    total H Paschen-alpha
# The following 11 "lines" represent emission by a "6-level" Fe II atom
# of Hamann & Ferland, a modification of the Wills, Netzer, and Wills.
# See HAZY for some details.
fe 2  6200
fe 2  4300
fe 2  2400
fe 2  1080
fe 2  1500     
fe 2 11500
fe 2  2500
fe 2  2300
fe 2  8900
fe 2  1216     pumping of the Fe II atom via H Lya 1216
fe2c     0     cooling from the Fe II atom
# Some high critical density forbidden lines
ne 5  3426     total [Ne V] 3426
ne 3  3869     total [Ne III] 3869
totl  4363     total [O III] 4363
o  3  5007     total [O III] 5007
Fe14  5303     total [Fe XIV] 5303
o  1  5577     total [O I] 5577
Fe 7  6087     total [Fe VII] 6087
o  1  6300     total [O I] 6300
Fe10  6373     total [Fe X] 6373
Fe11  7892     total [Fe XI] 7892
# an optical incident continuum bin in units of nuFnu
inci  4860     incident continuum at 4860 Angstroms in units of nuF(nu)
# The following are the total non-line emission from the cloud 
# (diffuse + reflected continuum) at a given wavelength in Angstroms.
# All have units of nuF(nu).
nFnu 122.4m  microns 
nFnu  8330   A
nFnu  8079 
nFnu  6210 
nFnu  4885
nFnu  3704
nFnu  3588 
nFnu  2392
nFnu  2071
nFnu  2053 
nFnu  1793
nFnu  1585
# In optically thick clouds of significant H I columns, Lya "Rayleigh
# scattering" of incident continuum becomes important beginning here and
# extending down to the Lyman limit.
nFnu  1458
nFnu  1357  
nFnu  1297
nFnu  1263  
nFnu  1218
nFnu  1196
nFnu  1175
nFnu  1144  
nFnu  1113
nFnu  1103
nFnu  1074  
nFnu  1064
nFnu  1036  
nFnu  1000
nFnu   925.1
nFnu   897.8  
nFnu   760
nFnu   701.5  
nFnu   608.2
nFnu   575.1
nFnu   511.9  
nFnu   496.9  
nFnu   399.2
# The following are the inward directed non-line emission from the cloud 
# (diffuse + reflected continuum) at a given wavelength in Angstroms.
# All have units of nuF(nu).
#InwT 1.119m
#InwT  8220
#InwT  8205
#InwT  6209
#InwT  4885
#InwT  3649
#InwT  3644
#InwT  2392
#InwT  2071
#InwT  2052
#InwT  1793
#InwT  1585
#InwT  1458
#InwT  1356
#InwT  1297
#InwT  1262
#InwT  1218
#InwT  1196
#InwT  1175
#InwT  1143
#InwT  1113
#InwT  1103
#InwT  1073
#InwT  1064
#InwT  1035
#InwT  1000
#InwT   897.8
#InwT   925.1
#InwT   760
#InwT   701.5
#InwT   608.2
#InwT   575.1
#InwT   399.2
# lines from he-like ions
#>>chng 06 aug 17, mean wl of multiplet now used
TOTL  5484A Li 2
TOTL  3722A Be 3
TOTL  2824A B  4
TOTL  2275A C  5
TOTL  1904A N  6
TOTL  1634A O  7
TOTL  1409A F  8
TOTL  1266A Ne 9
TOTL  1134A Na 10
TOTL  1025A Mg 11
# end dense line list
# the file ends with the end of file, or a cr in the first col