#!/bin/bash script_dir=$( cd $(dirname $0) ; pwd -P |sed 's@^\(.*\)/scripts.*@\1/scripts@') continuum_file=$1 grid_delimits=`grep -n 'GRID_DELIMIT' $continuum_file|sed 's#^\([0-9]*\):.*$#\1 #'` echo Parse Grid Continuum echo ==================== echo Scanning file $continuum_file. echo `echo $grid_delimits|wc -w` grids found. #echo Grid delimits: $grid_delimits grid_index=0 # Skips extra line at beginning of first grid component interval_origin=1 # Parse the continua for each grid component into a separate file echo Parsing continua into separate grid components. for line_number in $grid_delimits; do (( interval_origin++ )) tmpfile=tmp.cont.$grid_index #echo lines $interval_origin to $line_number to file $tmpfile sed -n ${interval_origin},${line_number}p $continuum_file > $tmpfile interval_origin=$line_number (( grid_index++ )) done # Parse the final continuum for each grid component and save grid_component=0 echo "Parsing continua for final iteration of $grid_index grid components." while [[ $grid_component -lt $grid_index ]]; do cont_tmp_file=tmp.cont.$grid_component permanent_file=${continuum_file}.$((grid_component++)) iteration_delimits=`grep -n '###########################' $cont_tmp_file|sed 's#^\([0-9]*\):.*$#\1 #'` iterations=`echo $iteration_delimits|wc -w` sed -n $((`echo $iteration_delimits|cut -d' ' -f$(( iterations - 1 ))` + 1 )),`echo $iteration_delimits|cut -d' ' -f$(( iterations ))`p $cont_tmp_file > $permanent_file done $script_dir/util/cleantmp.sh echo Done.