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synced 2025-02-22 16:55:07 +00:00
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@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
""" A program to recreate the average spectrum fit for ngc 5548 in Magdziarz et al 1998 """
import math
import scipy
import numpy
PLANCK_CONST=4.135668e-15; # in eV * s
BOLTZMANN_CONST=0.00008617332385; # in eV / K
RYDBERG_CONST=1.0973731568539e7; # in 1 / m
RYDBERG_UNIT_EV=13.60569252; # in eV
CONT_MIN_X = math.log10(CONT_MIN_ENERGY_keV);
CONT_MAX_X = math.log10(CONT_MAX_ENERGY_keV);
CONT_MIN_VAL = 1e-35;
""" Cloudy's continuum domain, for reference, version 13.3 """
CLOUDY_EMM = 1.001e-8; # in Rydberg
CLOUDY_EGAMRY = 7.354e6; # in Rydberg
IN_EV_2500A = 12398.41929/2500;
""" Curve Parameters from MNRAS 301 Mdagziarz 1998 """
α_HC = 0.86
# Soft Excess
α_SE_sec2_1 = 1.1 # Quoted consistent with Korista 1995 and Marshall 1997
kT_SE_sec2_1 = .56
# Comtonization fitted to ROSAT data
# ξ =
# OSSE data fit
α_HC = 0.86
R = 0.96
E_cutoff_HC = .120 # keV, phase 1
F_HC = .38 # keV cm⁻² s⁻¹
# E_cutoff_HC = 118 # keV, phase 3
# F_HC = .61 # keV cm⁻² s⁻¹
# Section 3.3 values
kT_SE_sec3_2 = .270 # keV
α_SE_sec3_2 = 1.13
kT_HC_sec3_2 = 55 # keV
α_HC_sec3_2 = .76
def hν_at(i,n):
""" returns hν coordinate of bin i out of n """
relative_coord = i/n
x_coord = relative_coord*CONT_WIDTH_X + CONT_MIN_X;
return math.pow(10,x_coord);
def histogram_table(n):
output = []
# max=0,min=1
indices = range(n)
for i in range(0,n):
hν = hν_at(i,n);
value = (hν,sed(hν))
# if (output.value[hν] > max) max = output.value[hν];
# if (output.value[hν] < min) min = output.value[hν];
# Add a final point at 100 KeV
hν = 1e2;
value = sed(hν);
return output;
def sed(hν):
magnitude += powlaw_cutoff(hν,α_HC,E_cutoff_HC,1) # OSSE data fit
# magnitude += powlaw_cutoff(hν,α_SE_sec2_1,kT_SE_sec2_1,1)
# magnitude += powlaw_cutoff(hν,α_SE_sec3_2,kT_SE_sec3_2,1)
#magnitude += compt_approx(hν,-1.3,.345,.0034,1)
if magnitude < CONT_MIN_VAL: return CONT_MIN_VAL
# magnitude = CONT_MIN_VAL;
return magnitude;
def powlaw_cutoff(hν,α,E_cutoff,norm):
low_cutoff = .1
resultant = norm
resultant *= math.exp(-hν/E_cutoff)
#resultant *= math.exp(-low_cutoff/hν)
resultant *= math.pow(hν,1+α)
return resultant
def compt_approx(hν,α,kT_keV,cutoff_keV,norm):
magnitude = math.pow(hν,(1+α))
magnitude *= math.exp(-(hν/kT_keV))
magnitude *= math.exp(-(cutoff_keV/hν))
magnitude *= norm
return magnitude
test_table = histogram_table(500)
for pair in test_table:
print (pair[0],pair[1])
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use utf8;
use IO::Handle;
use File::Temp "tempfile";
open(my $spectrum_file,"spectrum");
# my @x = ();
# my @y = ();
# my($xi,$yi);
# ($xi,$yi)=(0,0);
# while(my $line = <$spectrum_file>) {
# $line =~ /([0-9\.]+)\s+([0-9\.]+)/;
# ($x[$xi],$y[$yi])=($1,$2);
# $xi++; $yi++;
# }
# while (my $line = <$spectrum_file>) {
# print $line;
# }
my($T,$N) = tempfile("spectrum-XXXXXXXX", "UNLINK", 1);
# for my $t (100..500)
# { say $T $t*sin($t*0.1), " ", $t*cos($t*0.1); }
while (my $_ = <$spectrum_file>) {
say $T $_;
close $T;
open my $P, "|-", "gnuplot" or die;
printflush $P qq[
unset key
set logscale xy
set xrange [.001,1000]
plot "$N"
close $P;
# sub histogram_table(n) {
# my @output = ()
# my @x = ()
# my @y = ()
# output.append(x)
# output.append(y)
# max=0
# min=1
# indices = range(n)
# for i in range(0,n):
# hνᗉkeVᗆ = hνᗉkeVᗆ_at(i,n);
# x.append(hνᗉkeVᗆ)
# value = total(hνᗉkeVᗆ,1,1,1)
# y.append(value)
# if (value > max): max = value;
# if (value < min): min = value;
# # Add a final point at 100 KeV
# hνᗉkeVᗆ = 1e2;
# x.append(hνᗉkeVᗆ)
# y.append(total(hνᗉkeVᗆ,1,1,1))
# output.append(x)
# output.append(y)
# return output;
# }
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
""" A program to recreate the average spectrum fit for ngc 5548 in Magdziarz et al 1998 """
import math
import scipy
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
PLANCK_CONST=4.135668e-15; # in eV * s
# Boltzman Constant
kᵦᗉeVᓯKᗆ=0.00008617332385; # in eV / K
RYDBERG_CONST=1.0973731568539e7; # in 1 / m
RYDBERG_UNITᗉeVᗆ=13.60569252; # in eV
CONT_MIN_ENERGYᗉkeVᗆ = 1e-3;
CONT_MIN_XᗉkeVᗆ = math.log10(CONT_MIN_ENERGYᗉkeVᗆ);
CONT_MAX_XᗉkeVᗆ = math.log10(CONT_MAX_ENERGYᗉkeVᗆ);
CONT_MIN_VAL = 1e-35;
""" Cloudy's continuum domain, for reference, version 13.3 """
CLOUDY_EMMᗉRydbergᗆ = 1.001e-8; # in Rydberg
CLOUDY_EγᗉRydbergᗆ = 7.354e6; # in Rydberg
hcᓯ2500ᗉeVᗆ = 12398.41929/2500;
""" Returns the SED as a histrogram (list of floats) with n bins"""
# def histogram_table(n):
# output = []
# # max=0,min=1
# indices = range(n)
# for i in range(0,n):
# hνᗉkeVᗆ = hνᗉkeVᗆ_at(i,n);
# value = (hνᗉkeVᗆ,sum(hνᗉkeVᗆ))
# # if (output.value[hνᗉkeVᗆ] > max) max = output.value[hνᗉkeVᗆ];
# # if (output.value[hνᗉkeVᗆ] < min) min = output.value[hνᗉkeVᗆ];
# output.append(value)
# # Add a final point at 100 KeV
# hνᗉkeVᗆ = 1e2;
# value = sum(hνᗉkeVᗆ);
# output.append((hνᗉkeVᗆ,value))
# return output;
def histogram_table(n):
output = []
x = []
y = []
indices = range(n)
for i in range(0,n):
hνᗉkeVᗆ = hνᗉkeVᗆ_at(i,n);
value = total(hνᗉkeVᗆ,1,1,1)
if (value > max): max = value;
if (value < min): min = value;
# Add a final point at 100 KeV
hνᗉkeVᗆ = 1e2;
return output;
# Sums 2 power-law cutoff functions and the disk contribution at energy coordinate hνᗉkeVᗆ in keV.
# Coefficients should be equal to functions at hνᗉkeVᗆ = ?? keV
def total(hνᗉkeVᗆ,C1=1.0,C2=1.0,C3=1.0):
# accretion disk blackbody continuum has α=1/3
magnitude += powlaw_cutoff(hνᗉkeVᗆ,1/3,3e3,6e6,C1)
magnitude += powlaw_cutoff(hνᗉkeVᗆ,-1.1,.01/kᵦᗉkeVᓯKᗆ,1/kᵦᗉkeVᓯKᗆ,C2)
magnitude += powlaw_cutoff(hνᗉkeVᗆ,-0.8,.01/kᵦᗉkeVᓯKᗆ,100/kᵦᗉkeVᓯKᗆ,C3)
if magnitude < CONT_MIN_VAL: return CONT_MIN_VAL
# print (magnitude)
return magnitude;
def hνᗉkeVᗆ_at(i,n):
""" returns hνᗉkeVᗆ coordinate in keV of bin i out of n """
relative_coord = i/n
hν = relative_coord*CONT_WIDTH_XᗉkeVᗆ + CONT_MIN_XᗉkeVᗆ
return math.pow(10,hν)
def powlaw_cutoff(hνᗉkeVᗆ,α,T1,T2,coefficient):
resultant = coefficient
resultant *= math.exp(-hνᗉkeVᗆ/(kᵦᗉkeVᓯKᗆ*T1))
resultant *= math.exp(-kᵦᗉkeVᓯKᗆ*T2/hνᗉkeVᗆ)
resultant *= math.pow(hνᗉkeVᗆ,1+α)
return resultant
test_table = histogram_table(500)
fig = plt.figure()
sed_plot = fig.add_subplot(111)
sed_plot.set_title("log-log plot of SED")
#for pair in test_table:
# print (pair[0],pair[1])
# index=0
# for energy in test_table[0]:
# print (energy,test_table[1][index])
# index += 1
@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
#ifndef sed_hpp
#define sed_hpp
#include "agn.hpp"
namespace agn {
// Continuum domain, step size constant in log space
const double CONT_MIN_ENERGY=1e-2; // eV
const double CONT_MAX_ENERGY=1e5; // eV
const double CONT_MIN_X=log10(CONT_MIN_ENERGY);
const double CONT_MAX_X=log10(CONT_MAX_ENERGY);
const double CONT_MIN_VAL=1e-35;
// Cloudy's continuum domain, for reference, version 13.3
const double CLOUDY_EMM = 1.001e-8; // in Rydberg
const double CLOUDY_EGAMRY = 7.354e6; // in Rydberg
const double IN_EV_2500A=12398.41929/2500;
// Pulled from cloudy 17.00, first version
const double emm = 1.001e-8f;
const double egamry = 7.354e6f;
// SEDs are represented by 2d histogram tables.
struct sed_table {
std::string header;
table_1d value;
class sed_pow_law {
// Continuum output functions
// Returns histogram with n bins evenly space in log space
sed_table histogram_table(int n);
// Argument is photon energy in eV
double sed(double hnu);
double eval_uv(double hnu);
double eval_xray(double hnu);
// Determined differently to be of use as the
// xray coefficient.
double SED_at_2KeV();
// Continuum shape arguments
double _T; //TCut
double _alpha_ox;
double _alpha_x;
double _alpha_uv;
double _cutoff_uv_rydberg;
double _cutoff_xray_rydberg;
double _log_radius_in_cm;
// Derived values
double _cutoff_uv_eV; // IRCut
double _cutoff_xray_eV; // lowend_cutoff
double _radius_in_cm;
double _radius_in_cm_squared;
double _scaling_factor;
double _xray_coefficient;
sed_pow_law (
double T,
double alpha_ox,
double alpha_x,
double alpha_uv,
double cutoff_uv_rydberg,
double cutoff_xray_rydberg,
double log_radius_in_cm,
double scaling_factor = 1.0
// EL[e] model scaling factor
// double scaling_factor = 1.39666E44
// Returns coord in eV for given relative coord.
double hnu_at(int i,int n);
// Takes an SED table as input and returns a string with format:
// '<h*nu>\t<flux>\n' for each energy-flux pair
std::string format_sed_table(sed_table table);
// Read continuum from file with '<h*nu>\t<flux>\n' formatting.
// Will ignore up to 1 header.
sed_table read_sed_table(std::ifstream& table_file);
// Does the same but converts hnu from rydberg to eV.
sed_table read_and_convert_sed_table(std::ifstream& table_file);
// Cloudy takes the SED density as input. This function outputs
// the corresponding SED table's SED density function in the form
// of a cloudy input script "interpolate" command.
std::string cloudy_interpolate_str(sed_table SED);
} // end namespace agn
agn::sed_table agn::read_sed_table(std::ifstream& table_file) {
sed_table resultant;
std::string scratch;
int current_line=0;
double hnu;
if(!isdigit(scratch[0])) {
resultant.header = scratch;
while(!table_file.eof()) {
table_file >> hnu;
table_file >> resultant.value[hnu];
agn::sed_table agn::read_and_convert_sed_table(std::ifstream& table_file) {
sed_table resultant;
std::string scratch;
int current_line=0;
double hnu_in_ryd,hnu_in_ev,value;
if(!isdigit(scratch[0])) {
resultant.header = scratch;
int c=0;
while(!table_file.eof()) {
//std::cout << c;
table_file >> hnu_in_ryd;
hnu_in_ev = hnu_in_ryd*agn::RYDBERG_UNIT_EV;
table_file >> resultant.value[hnu_in_ev];
std::string agn::format_sed_table(agn::sed_table table) {
std::stringstream output;
if (!table.header.empty()) output << table.header;
output << std::setprecision(5);
agn::table2d::iterator table_iterator;
while(table_iterator != table.value.end()) {
<< std::fixed
<< table_iterator->first
<< "\t"
<< std::scientific
<< table_iterator->second
<< "\n";
return output.str();
std::string agn::cloudy_interpolate_str(agn::sed_table table) {
std::stringstream output;
agn::table2d::iterator table_iterator = table.value.begin();
// Lead in to uv bump at slope=2 in log(energy [rydberg]) space
double energy_in_rydbergs = table_iterator->first
double log_uv_bump_start = log10( energy_in_rydbergs );
double log_lowest_value = log10(table_iterator->second
/ table_iterator->first);
double log_min_energy = log10(agn::CLOUDY_EMM)
- 1;
double log_SED_density = log_lowest_value
- 2*(log_uv_bump_start
- log_min_energy);
if ( log_SED_density < 1e-36 ) log_SED_density = 1e-36;
<< "interpolate ("
<< pow(10,log_min_energy)
<< " "
<< log_SED_density
<< ")";
int count=0;
while(table_iterator != table.value.end()) {
energy_in_rydbergs = table_iterator->first
double log_SED_density = log10( table_iterator->second
/ table_iterator->first);
if ((count%5)==0) output << "\n" << "continue ";
else output << " ";
<< "("
<< energy_in_rydbergs
<< " "
<< log_SED_density
<< ")";
// Trail off at slope=-2 in log(energy [rydberg]) space
while ( energy_in_rydbergs < agn::CLOUDY_EGAMRY ) {
double log_energy = log10(energy_in_rydbergs);
energy_in_rydbergs = pow(10,log_energy+1);
log_SED_density -= 2;
<< "("
<< energy_in_rydbergs
<< " "
<< log_SED_density
<< ")";
return output.str();
double agn::hnu_at(int i,int n) {
double relative_coord=(double)(i)/n;
double x_coord = relative_coord*CONT_WIDTH_X + CONT_MIN_X;
return pow(10,x_coord);
agn::sed_table agn::sed_pow_law::histogram_table(int n){
agn::sed_table output;
double max=0,min=1,hnu;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
hnu = hnu_at(i,n);
output.value[hnu] = this->sed(hnu);
if (output.value[hnu] > max) max = output.value[hnu];
if (output.value[hnu] < min) min = output.value[hnu];
// Add a final point at 100 KeV
hnu = 1e5;
output.value[hnu] = this->sed(hnu);
return output;
double agn::sed_pow_law::sed(double hnu) {
double magnitude=0.0;
magnitude += this->eval_uv(hnu);
magnitude += this->eval_xray(hnu);
if (magnitude < agn::CONT_MIN_VAL) return agn::CONT_MIN_VAL;
return magnitude;
double agn::sed_pow_law::eval_uv(double hnu) {
double bigbump_kT = _T
double magnitude = pow(hnu,(1+_alpha_uv))
* exp(-(hnu)/bigbump_kT)
* exp(-(_cutoff_uv_eV/hnu))
* _scaling_factor;
if (magnitude < agn::CONT_MIN_VAL) return agn::CONT_MIN_VAL;
return magnitude;
double agn::sed_pow_law::eval_xray(double hnu) {
return _xray_coefficient
* pow(hnu/2000,1+_alpha_x)
* exp(-_cutoff_xray_eV/hnu)
* _scaling_factor;
double agn::sed_pow_law::SED_at_2KeV() {
double ELe_at_2500A_no_scale = eval_uv(IN_EV_2500A)
/ _scaling_factor;
double energy_ratio = 2000/IN_EV_2500A;
// Returns EL[e] at 2 KeV
return ELe_at_2500A_no_scale
* pow(energy_ratio,_alpha_ox + 1);
agn::sed_pow_law::sed_pow_law (
double T,
double alpha_ox,
double alpha_x,
double alpha_uv,
double cutoff_uv_rydberg,
double cutoff_xray_rydberg,
double log_radius_in_cm,
double scaling_factor
_cutoff_uv_eV = cutoff_uv_rydberg*RYDBERG_UNIT_EV;
_cutoff_xray_eV = cutoff_xray_rydberg*RYDBERG_UNIT_EV;
_radius_in_cm = pow(10,log_radius_in_cm);
_radius_in_cm_squared = _radius_in_cm*_radius_in_cm;
_xray_coefficient = agn::sed_pow_law::SED_at_2KeV();
@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
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0.009549925860214359 1e-35
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0.012302687708123818 1e-35
0.012589254117941675 1.3996479694365586e-35
0.012882495516931342 8.270588387595168e-35
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0.016595869074375606 1.9427648570657324e-27
0.016982436524617443 7.35033495487743e-27
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0.01778279410038923 9.561578992892138e-26
0.018197008586099836 3.291978943924586e-25
0.018620871366628676 1.0997937687327044e-24
0.019054607179632473 3.567553707485399e-24
0.019498445997580455 1.1243624803203092e-23
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29.51209226666384 1e-35
30.199517204020193 1e-35
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34.673685045253166 1e-35
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36.30780547701018 1e-35
37.15352290971728 1e-35
38.018939632056124 1e-35
38.904514499428046 1e-35
39.81071705534978 1e-35
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41.68693834703355 1e-35
42.65795188015925 1e-35
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46.77351412871981 1e-35
47.8630092322639 1e-35
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50.118723362727145 1e-35
51.28613839913648 1e-35
52.48074602497723 1e-35
53.703179637025215 1e-35
54.954087385762485 1e-35
56.23413251903491 1e-35
57.543993733715666 1e-35
58.88436553555884 1e-35
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61.65950018614822 1e-35
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64.56542290346549 1e-35
66.06934480075964 1e-35
67.60829753919819 1e-35
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93.32543007969905 1e-35
95.49925860214368 1e-35
97.72372209558111 1e-35
100.0 1e-35
Reference in New Issue
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