Vibrations and rotations of a diatomic molecule atoms vibrate about an equilibrium position r₀ ⊙~~~~~~~~~⊙ |← r₀ →| (pic MISSEd) potential, with taylor approximation (pic MISSEd) A taylor series solution is appropriate to solve this diffEQ. Experiments indicate vibration (E~visible light) has more energy than rotation (E~infrared), so vibrations happen much faster. The Rotational eigen-value spectrum L²,L̂𝓍,L̂𝓎,L̂𝓏 (Hermition operators) Say L̂𝓏❙Ψ❭ = mₗħ❙Ψ❭ (pic) mₗ is bound by λ: m has value from -λ to λ Introduced raising and lower operators L̂± = L̂𝓍 ± ιL̂𝓎 = (pic) proof = ±ħL± L̂𝓏(L̂ ± ❙λ,mₗ❭) => (pic) proof => L̂± ❙λ,mₗ❭ = ❙λ,mₗ±1❭ Very important point: Let m=l be the maximum value of m L̂₊❙λ,l❭ = 0 (required because wave function goes to 0 in a forbiddin region) This is also true for L̂₋❙λ,l′❭ with l′ the minimum value of m (pic) L̂₋L̂₊❙λ,l❭ = ... gives λ = l(l+1) (pic) L̂₊L̂₋❙λ,l′❭ = ... gives λ = l′(l′+1) These show that m = -l, -l+1, 0, l