Precession of a Spin-1/2 Particle in a Constant Magnetic Field ============================================================== Find Hamiltoninan (pic) Find eigenstates of the Hamiltonian (pic) Find time-progression expression Û(t) = exp(-ι Ĥ t/ħ) = exp(-ι ωₒt S𝓏/ħ) = exp(-ι θ S𝓏/ħ) Û(t) = R̂(σk̂) ⸜ ⸝ Rotational Operator So for arbitrary t (pic) Projection along 𝓏-axis? <+𝓏|Ψ(t)> --->Why for (-x)-axis does this turn out to be sin²(ω₀ t/2) Hw->Find projection of 𝓎-axis