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synced 2025-02-21 15:55:07 +00:00
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This commit is contained in:
@ -25,15 +25,16 @@
\title{Otho Ulrich -- Curriculum Vitae} % Print the main header
\title{Curriculum Vitae} % Print the main header
\parbox{0.5\textwidth}{ % First block
\begin{tabbing} % Enables tabbing
\hspace{1.5cm} \= \hspace{2cm} \= \kill % Spacing within the block
{\bf Email} \> \href{mailto:otho@othoulrich.com}{otho@othoulrich.com} % Email address
%{\bf Address} \> 1115 Longview Lane\\ % Address line 1
%\> Saline, MI 48176 % Address line 2
%{\bf Nationality} \> British % Nationality
{\bf Name} \> Otho Ulrich \\
{\bf Latest CV} \> \href{https://othoulrich.com/othoulrich-cv.pdf}{https://othoulrich.com/othoulrich-cv.pdf} \\
%{\bf Address} \> 1115 Longview Lane\\
%\> Saline, MI 48176
%{\bf Nationality} \> British
\hfill % Horizontal space between the two blocks
\parbox{0.5\textwidth}{ % Second block
@ -41,25 +42,18 @@
\hspace{2cm} \= \hspace{2cm} \= \kill % Spacing within the block
%{\bf Home Phone} \> +0 (000) 111 1111 \\ % Home phone
%{\bf Mobile Phone} \> (734) 224 2252 \\ % Mobile phone
{\bf Latest CV} \> \href{https://othoulrich.com/othoulrich-cv.pdf}{https://othoulrich.com/othoulrich-cv.pdf} % CV link
{\bf Email} \> \href{mailto:otho@othoulrich.com}{otho@othoulrich.com} \\
{\bf GPG} \> \href{https://othoulrich.com/othoulrich-gpg.txt}{51375D7EA61E966B} \\
% Software Skills
\section{Code Examples}
\item{See code samples on my website at \href{http://www.othoulrich.com/}{http://www.othoulrich.com}.}
\section{Software Engineering Tools}
A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
A list of software and systems engineering tools I used throughout my projects.
Some code can be found on my profile website at \href{https://www.othoulrich.com/}{https://www.othoulrich.com} and linked herein.\\
@ -67,7 +61,8 @@ A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
@ -95,31 +90,31 @@ A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
\skillgroup{Cloud Computing Tools}
\skillgroup{Cloud Computing}
\textit{Istio Envoy}\quad
\skillgroup{CI/CD and Configuration Management}
\skillgroup{IaC, CI/CD, and Configuration}
\skillgroup{Systems Analysis \& Design}
\skillgroup{Systems Analysis, Design, and Documentation}
@ -132,13 +127,12 @@ A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
\skillgroup{High-Performance Computing and Data Science}
\textit{MPI} - Protocol for handling messages between parallel computing tasks.\\
\textit{ZFS} - File system and logical volume manager with emphasis on scalability and data integrity.\\
\textit{Hadoop} - Distributed file system and data analysis platform.\\
\textit{Anaconda / Jupyter} - Environment for machine learning and for analyzing and presenting data.\\
\textit{R} - Language well-suited to statistical analysis, machine learning, and data presentation.\\
\textit{Torque} - Job scheduler that understands Nvidia CUDA protocols.\\
\textit{Slurm} - Open-source job scheduler for Linux.
\textit{Anaconda / Jupyter}\quad
\skillgroup{Physics Codes}
@ -149,132 +143,38 @@ A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
% Clusters
\section{Technical and Practical Skills}
Notable computing clusters used throughout my projects.
\item{Experienced providing real-time service delivery goals and monitoring in high-stakes environments.}
\item{\textit{Signal Platform Primary Cluster} - Kubernetes cluster that hosts our platform at Signal Advisors.}
\item{Strong critical thinking and writing skills, providing for useful and thorough documentation and the ability to efficiently communicate technical concepts to the business.}
\item{Strong systems analysis and design skills provide a strong sense of component networks, system control flows, and abstractions; practiced in applying these concepts to document and troubleshoot solutions across all devops problem domains.}
\item{Understanding of the cloud native stack and applying those tools to serve cloud native applications.}
\item{\textit{Ford Global Network} - 8 major data centers and regional hubs, SDN provisioning by NaaS team.}
\item{\textit{Cloud 9} - \href{http://www.nublado.org}{\textit{Cloudy} group}'s cluster used to develop plasma spectroscopy codes in a processor grid format.}
\item{\href{https://cs.wmich.edu/~hpcs/cluster/}{\textit{Thor}} - Used to run simulations for AGN reverberation mapping research. Provides standard and CUDA nodes.}
\item{\textit{MSL Cluster} - Used to run \textit{LAMMPS} molecular dynamics simulations on graphene bicrystals.}
\item{\href{https://www.usf.edu/it/research-computing/what-is-rc/comp_resources.aspx}{\textit{Circe}} - USF's primary computing resource; used for material verification and LAMMPS simulations.}
\item{\textit{WCCnet Hadoop Cluster} - Provided cluster compute services for the AATA's traffic analytics project.}
\item{Practiced creating dynamic pipelines to automate system, application, network, and development operations, with an emphasis on saving time and adding efficiency to the decision-making process.}
\item{\textit{Boxgraph} - Geo-distributed cluster of \href{https://othoulrich.com/images/servers-tall.jpg}{physical} and virtual systems, providing my cloud and compute services.}
\item{\href{https://code.othoulrich.com/explore}{Significant programming experience}, with strength in many languages and libraries, and emphases on the \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/backup.sh}{automation of system tasks}, modeling, and on \href{https://code.othoulrich.com/otho/adamocomp/-/blob/master/broker.sh}{scripting} to \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/stage3.sh}{analyze} and justify \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/create_fort_files.cpp}{large and inconsistent datasets}.}
\item{Ability to automate provisioning systems for cloud and other virtual environments, e.g. VMWare-hosted systems and the Google Cloud Platform.}
\item{Experienced maintaining configurations across clustered hosts, and deploying software consistently across hosts in pretooled and custom pipelines.}
\item{Training and practice in statistical learning, i.e. ``Machine Learning,'' with a variety of learning models.}
\item{Experienced handling large, sparse datasets, i.e. ``Big Data,'' aided by cluster computing for \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/run_analysis.sh}{analysis.}}
\item{Comfortable implementing and interfacing with many database systems.}
\item{Experienced with \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/analyze_lightcurves.sh}{operating and programming for} high-performance cluster computing, i.e. ``Cloud Computing,'' using a variety of task scheduling platforms.}
\item{Practiced with statistical analysis, real and complex analysis, \href{https://othoulrich.com/science/simple_fourier_transform.pdf}{Fourier analysis}, and potential theory.}
\item{Familiarity with most computer systems, esp. \href{https://othoulrich.com/images/adamonet-bsd-install.jpg}{GNU/Linux and BSD}, with a strong shell \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/plot.sh}{scripting ability.}}
\item{Advanced knowledge of \href{https://othoulrich.com/science/spinz_commute.pdf}{physics} and inorganic chemistry.}
\item{Practical and theoretical experience with electronics.}
\item{Working knowledge of physics codes and \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/tophat_fft.pl}{signal analysis codes}, especially \textit{Cloudy}, \textit{LAMMPS}, and \textit{psdlag}.}
\item{Practiced with many document-preparation paradigms including \href{https://code.othoulrich.com/docs/cv/-/blob/master/cv.tex}{LaTeX}, Libre Office, Google Docs, Microsoft Office, and MediaWiki, with familiarity of \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/utf8report.txt}{Unicode} and markup.}
\item{Developed public speaking presence with practice including 8 years of training, classroom, lecture hall experience, and invited talks.}
\bf{2017-2019} \> Physics, Astrophysics - \href{https://pa.as.uky.edu/users/oaul223}{University of Kentucky}
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Differential Geometry and Equations}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Advanced Electrodynamics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Statistical Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Field Theory Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Computational Physics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Modern Pedagogical Theory}\\
\bf{2013-2017} \> B.S., Physics, Mathematics - \href{https://wmich.edu/sites/default/files/attachments/u1100/2017/Department Newsletter_Summer 2017.pdf}{Western Michigan University}
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Advanced Scientific Writing}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Physics Research Procedures}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Statistical \& Classical Thermodynamics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Machine Learning}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Lagrange Multipliers}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Laplace Transformations}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Fourier Analysis}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Electric and Magnetic Properties of Matter}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Theory: Maxwell's Equations}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Atomic Physics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Quantum Wave Theory \& Matrix Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Lagranian \& Hamiltonian Classical Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Newtonian Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Transistor Fundamentals, Networks, and Digital Logic}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Alternating and Direct Current RCL Networks}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Fundamentals of Electronics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Intermediate Scientific Writing}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Introductory Potential Theory: LaPlace's and Poisson's Equations}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Calculus of Complex Variables}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Vector-based Differential Geometry}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Stellar Astrophysics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Introductory Statistical Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Keplerian Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Optics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Classical Wave Theory}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Basic Scientific Inquiry}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Special Relativity}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Introductory Quantum Wave Theory}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Philosophy of Science}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Introductory Scientific Writing}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Ordinary Differential Equations and Systems}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Linear Algebra}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Statistics}\\
\bf{2011-2013} \> Computer Science and Engineering - Washtenaw Community College
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Introductory Electromagnetism}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Scalar and Vector Fields}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Introductory Mechanics \& Thermodynamics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Shell Programming}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Algorithms}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Data and Object Structures}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{C++ and Java Programming}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Differential \& Integral Calculus}\\
\bf{2005} \> Classical and Jazz Music Performance - Lansing Community College
%\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Trombone Chamber \& Jazz Performance}\\
%\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Classical Music Theory}\\
%\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Western Music History}\\
%\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Vocal Jazz Performance}\\
%\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Educational Piano}\\
% Research
% Technical Experience
\section{Technical Experience}
@ -287,6 +187,10 @@ A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
\item{Maintained Signal Advisors platform systems and deployments using Kubernetes, GCP, AWS, Github, CircleCI, and Terraform.}
\item{Worked directly with technical product manager and engineering director to establish designs and development plans in devops and devsecops problem domains based on business needs in an agile environment.}
\item{Completed migration of Signal platform from GCP Cloud Run to Kubernetes (GKE).}
\item{Installed and configured Istio service mesh using RBAC integrated with Google IAM to serve public and internal endpoints.}
@ -301,7 +205,7 @@ A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
\item{Established standard build environments for our NodeJS, Terraform, and Python projects using containers suitable for local development and automated build environments.}
\item{Helped establishment standards for, interview, and hire SRE candidates.}
\item{Helped establish standards for, interview, and hire SRE candidates.}
@ -327,6 +231,8 @@ A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
\item{Contributed to development of a thermodynamics-based approach to statistical learning based on energy-decay networks. (2018)}
\item{Implemented nuclear, chemical, and physical processes into mods for the industrial problem-solving game Factorio.}
\item{Developed a simple statistical \href{https://othoulrich.com/science/entanglement.html}{program using Jupyter Notebook to demonstrate the physical behavior of quantum entanglement.} (2018)}
\item{Developed, using R and Bash, a machine learning \href{https://othoulrich.com/science/ML Pulsars.pdf}{algorithm to classify pulsar candidates} which produced a 97\% accuracy rate across more than 15,000 data samples. (2017)}
@ -338,6 +244,40 @@ A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
{2021 -}{2019}
{TEKSystems, contracted to Ford Motor Company's NaaS Team}
{Network Automation Engineer (DevOps)}
\item{Contributed to and maintained the Network Services Gateway and API, which provides Network-as-a-Service leveraging SDN with F5 load balancing. Services include self-service application migrations, load balancing, DDI, firewall, advisories, and other network services, servicing nearly 10,000 internal applications. Automation reduces the operator time necessary to deploy datacenter applications from days to minutes.}
\item{Helped implement Ford's Google Cloud Platform infrastructure using Terraform, and integrate it into the existing datacenter automation tooling.}
\item{Delivered network service goals for brand and marketing sites for the Bronco and Mach-E product launches.}
\item{Helped lead real-time troubleshooting efforts during major product launches.}
\item{Developed and supported DNS migration automation for thousands of campaign-based URLs, eliminating tens of hours per migration.}
\item{Helped define and automate statistics collection for team's service goals using Grafana and Prometheus, and currently working to create self-service statistics reporting for internal application customers.}
\item{Developed and maintained the CI/CD stack for NSG's APIs and web applications, using Docker, node.js express middleware, BASH, and Quay.io, freeing up days of time per application deployment.}
\item{Established and maintained environment and configuration standards for NSG linux systems and containers, and developed BASH programs to automate operations and node maintenance across cloud architecture, reducing the time to reconfigure cluster applications from about 1 day to about 30 minutes.}
\item{Developed APIs that automate advisories and Webex messaging, and load-balanced service discovery. This allowed customers to define automated service alerts that generate application-level advisories and team-based Webex alerts, removing significant human resources from the advisory process.}
\item{Documented network services and network service APIs for Ford's app owners and cloud and fulfillment teams, operational software for our development team, and developed and led training to teach new developers to replicate our micro-services stack.}
@ -349,15 +289,15 @@ A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
\item{Maintain database server, data delivery services, and middleware solutions.}
\item{Research and present physical models intended as possible game engine elements.}
\item{Researched and presented physical models intended as possible game engine elements.}
\item{Review all scientific information before it is applied in development.}
\item{Reviewed scientific information before it is applied in development.}
\item{Research, design, develop, and document game engine elements for \textit{Galaxy In Flames}, the company's major game product, primarily using C\#.}
\item{Researched, designed, developed, and documented game engine elements for \textit{Galaxy In Flames}, the company's major game product, primarily using C\#.}
\item{Develop mathematics, operators, and data geometry for our galaxy-to-meter-scale coordinate tracking system.}
\item{Developed mathematics, operators, and data geometry for our galaxy-to-meter-scale coordinate tracking system.}
\item{Maintained servers and data services.}
@ -485,34 +425,6 @@ A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
% Clusters
\section{Associated Computing Clusters}
\item{\textit{Signal Primary Cluster} - The Kubernetes cluster that hosts our platform at Signal Advisors.}
\item{\textit{Ford Global Network} - A global network including 8 major data centers and regional hubs. Our team at Ford built the Network Services automation software used for provisioning services in the next-gen data centers.}
\item{\textit{Cloud 9} - Used by the \href{http://www.nublado.org}{\textit{Cloudy} group} to develop plasma spectroscopy codes in a processor grid format.}
\item{\href{https://cs.wmich.edu/~hpcs/cluster/}{\textit{Thor}} - Used to run simulations for AGN reverberation mapping research. Provides standard and CUDA nodes.}
\item{\textit{MSL Cluster} - Used to run \textit{LAMMPS} molecular dynamics simulations on graphene bicrystals.}
\item{\href{https://www.usf.edu/it/research-computing/what-is-rc/comp_resources.aspx}{\textit{Circe}} - Used for material verification and to run LAMMPS simulations.}
\item{\textit{WCCnet Hadoop Cluster} - Used by the Ann Arbor Transit Authority traffic analytics project, providing a Hadoop cluster with MapReduce on the ESXi hypervisor, designed and maintained by me as part of that project.}
\item{\textit{Boxgraph} - My cluster of \href{https://othoulrich.com/images/servers-tall.jpg}{physical} and virtual systems, using ESXi and FreeBSD hosting, docker containers, ZFS and RAID storage, database services, remote backups, and an array of additional services.}
% Publications
@ -580,6 +492,131 @@ A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
\section{Technical and Practical Skills}
\item{Experienced providing real-time service delivery goals and monitoring in high-stakes environments.}
\item{Strong critical thinking and writing skills, providing for useful and thorough documentation and the ability to efficiently communicate technical concepts with the business.}
\item{Strong systems analysis and design skills provide a strong sense of component networks, system control flows, and abstractions; practiced in applying these concepts to document and troubleshoot solutions across all devops problem domains.}
\item{Understanding of the cloud native stack and applying those tools to serve cloud native applications.}
\item{Practiced creating dynamic pipelines to automate system, application, network, and development operations, with an emphasis on saving time and adding efficiency to the decision-making process.}
\item{\href{https://code.othoulrich.com/explore}{Significant programming experience}, with strength in many languages and libraries, and emphases on the \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/backup.sh}{automation of system tasks}, modeling, and on \href{https://code.othoulrich.com/otho/adamocomp/-/blob/master/broker.sh}{scripting} to \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/stage3.sh}{analyze} and justify \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/create_fort_files.cpp}{large and inconsistent datasets}.}
\item{Ability to automate provisioning systems for cloud and other virtual environments, e.g. VMWare-hosted systems and the Google Cloud Platform.}
\item{Experienced maintaining configurations across clustered hosts, and deploying software consistently across hosts in pretooled and custom pipelines.}
\item{Training and practice in statistical learning, i.e. ``Machine Learning,'' with a variety of learning models.}
\item{Experienced handling large, sparse datasets, i.e. ``Big Data,'' aided by cluster computing for \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/run_analysis.sh}{analysis.}}
\item{Comfortable implementing and interfacing with many database systems.}
\item{Experienced with \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/analyze_lightcurves.sh}{operating and programming for} high-performance cluster computing, i.e. ``Cloud Computing,'' using a variety of task scheduling platforms.}
\item{Practiced with statistical analysis, real and complex analysis, \href{https://othoulrich.com/science/simple_fourier_transform.pdf}{Fourier analysis}, and potential theory.}
\item{Familiarity with most computer systems, esp. \href{https://othoulrich.com/images/adamonet-bsd-install.jpg}{GNU/Linux and BSD}, with a strong shell \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/plot.sh}{scripting ability.}}
\item{Advanced knowledge of \href{https://othoulrich.com/science/spinz_commute.pdf}{physics} and inorganic chemistry.}
\item{Practical and theoretical experience with electronics.}
\item{Working knowledge of physics codes and \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/tophat_fft.pl}{signal analysis codes}, especially \textit{Cloudy}, \textit{LAMMPS}, and \textit{psdlag}.}
\item{Practiced with many document-preparation paradigms including \href{https://code.othoulrich.com/docs/cv/-/blob/master/cv.tex}{LaTeX}, Libre Office, Google Docs, Microsoft Office, and MediaWiki, with familiarity of \href{https://othoulrich.com/examples/utf8report.txt}{Unicode} and markup.}
\item{Developed public speaking presence with practice including 8 years of training, classroom, lecture hall experience, and invited talks.}
\bf{2017-2019} \> Physics, Astrophysics - \href{https://pa.as.uky.edu/users/oaul223}{University of Kentucky}
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Differential Geometry and Equations}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Advanced Electrodynamics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Statistical Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Field Theory Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Computational Physics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Modern Pedagogical Theory}\\
\bf{2013-2017} \> B.S., Physics, Mathematics - \href{https://wmich.edu/sites/default/files/attachments/u1100/2017/Department Newsletter_Summer 2017.pdf}{Western Michigan University}
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Advanced Scientific Writing}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Physics Research Procedures}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Statistical \& Classical Thermodynamics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Machine Learning}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Lagrange Multipliers}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Laplace Transformations}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Fourier Analysis}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Electric and Magnetic Properties of Matter}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Theory: Maxwell's Equations}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Atomic Physics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Quantum Wave Theory \& Matrix Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Lagranian \& Hamiltonian Classical Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Newtonian Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Transistor Fundamentals, Networks, and Digital Logic}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Alternating and Direct Current RCL Networks}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Fundamentals of Electronics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Intermediate Scientific Writing}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Introductory Potential Theory: LaPlace's and Poisson's Equations}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Calculus of Complex Variables}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Vector-based Differential Geometry}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Stellar Astrophysics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Introductory Statistical Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Keplerian Mechanics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Optics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Classical Wave Theory}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Basic Scientific Inquiry}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Special Relativity}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Introductory Quantum Wave Theory}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Philosophy of Science}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Introductory Scientific Writing}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Ordinary Differential Equations and Systems}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Linear Algebra}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Statistics}\\
\bf{2011-2013} \> Computer Science and Engineering - Washtenaw Community College
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Introductory Electromagnetism}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Scalar and Vector Fields}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Introductory Mechanics \& Thermodynamics}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Shell Programming}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Algorithms}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Data and Object Structures}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{C++ and Java Programming}\\
\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Differential \& Integral Calculus}\\
\bf{2005} \> Classical and Jazz Music Performance - Lansing Community College
%\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Trombone Chamber \& Jazz Performance}\\
%\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Classical Music Theory}\\
%\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Western Music History}\\
%\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Vocal Jazz Performance}\\
%\>\ \ \ \ \ \ \textit{Educational Piano}\\
% Teaching
@ -805,11 +842,9 @@ A list of tools I've used throughout my projects.
\item{Advocate of critical thinking and scientific skepticism, with interest in bringing those topics to the public on a larger scale.}
\item{Active member of the Free Software Society at University of Kentucky, and Physics Club, Computer Club, and the Advanced Computing Society at Western Michigan University.}
\item{Coded simulations for fun since childhood. A favorite pastime has been to create network-based space simulations in which friends can dogfight, and other internet-connected simulated worlds, going back to the early days of the internet.}
\item{Play improv piano almost every day.}
\item{Play improvisational music almost every day.}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user